Single Use Promo Codes

Want to give your customers a unique one off promotion?

  1. In the backend, go to Hooked Marketing > Single Use Promo Codes

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter Promo Code details, with the following fields:

    - Title: The name of the promo code. Will be shown to Customer.

    - Promo Code (Locked): A 6 digit code will be auto generated on completion

    - Start Date: The date that the promo code will become active.

    - End Date: The date that the promo code will expire if not used.

    - Discount Type: The type of discount offered. Note that Single Use Promos we only support Percentage Discount and Dollar Amount Discount.

    - Discount Amount: The Dollar Amount or Percentage Discount. (eg: β€œ5” would mean $5 for a Dollar Amount Discount or 5% for a Percentage Discount)

    - Minimum Order Total: The minimum $ amount the customer must spend to redeem this promo.

    - Promo Code Campaign: Use this field to help keep promo codes organised into campaigns to monitor their success rate. Either;

    a) Type in the name of the campaign to create one.
    b) Add promo codes to existing campaigns by typing the first few letters of the campaign and a drop down list will appear. Click on the campaign you wish to add it to

    - Additional Terms and Conditions: You can generally leave this blank. HH will automatically populate some standard terms.

    - Hide Default Terms & Conditions: Will hide this text: "This offer entitles you to a [discount], with a minimum order of [amount]. It expires [date] and can be used [times] times. This offer can only be redeemed online."

    - Promo Code Description: Description of Promo Code shown to customer

    - Max Redemptions: The maximum number of times this promo code can be redeemed. Generally set to 1, but can be set to a higher number to create a β€œSingle Use Promo Code” that can actually be used multiple times.
    If you set a $ Promo Code to have multiple redemptions, amounts cannot be rolled over. Eg: A $20 promo code with 5 redemptions would enable 5 orders to be placed, each with a $20 discount. Any discount not used would be forfeited.

    - Quantity to create: Generate up to 100 of these promo codes

  4. Click SAVE

  5. Copying your codes, upon creating these codes you will be able to copy all of generated codes by clicking on the copy symbol to the right of the pop up modal.

  6. Sharing these codes, codes can be redeemed by the customer by either entering in the 6 digit code into the checkout OR being given a link to use that will automatically add the code into the basket. To achieve this, either;

    a) Write them down on cards to give directly to a customer in person.

    b) Copy and paste the codes into a spreadsheet to generate URLs manually.

    Just add β€œ?promoCode={6 digit Promo Code generated on creation}” to the end of your website URL.
