Setting up a custom arrival message

Using the custom pop up modal

custom-popupThe custom pop modal is designed to allow you to create and manage your own pop up modal as part of your customers journey. We have a few fields that you can use, some of which are optional

  • Title - Shown at top of Custom Popup

  • Message - The main message to be shown on the Custom Popup. Supports HTML

  • Requires Acknowledgement - Optional checkbox

  • Label - Text shown beside the checkbox

  • Button Label (Max 8 characters) - Text on the button to continue to ordering



How and where to set up

The modal is managed within each Store Info/Location under the Advanced Tab. Turning it on will present that modal for all fulfilment's active on that location. If you want the same messaging to appear on all locations, you will need to copy and paste it into each location individually.

When will my customers see this message?

Pickup / Room Service / Delivery - It will appear at the beginning of every visit after your customer has selected their ordering time

Dine In - Will only appear once per device per visit (24 hours) after the customer has selected their table or confirmed the Collect @ Counter instructions